Bipartisan Senators voice support for Iranian people’s demand for regime change, democracy and freedom in Iran, March 19, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC, USA, March 19, 2018 / — Speaking at a briefing coinciding with the Iranian New Year, Nowruz, at the Kennedy Caucus room, entitled, “Iran Uprising, the Harbinger of a Free Iran,” bipartisan Senators and former senior U.S. officials voiced support for the Iranian people and their quest for regime change and freedom and democracy in Iran.
“The Iranian people are great people, and I applaud their courage in Iran standing up to the oppressive regime. They’ve shown their courage over and over again. We’re going to continue to stand up for their rights,” Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee, emphasized.
Senator John Boozman (R-AR), Chair, Subcommittee, Homeland Security Appropriations added, “we’re going to see as change comes about, trying to figure out how we can be very, very supportive of that change. I understand the importance of this and I’m committed to helping in any way that I can.”
In a video message, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said, “Regime change, by the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance is the only answer to the Iranian crisis. All other options have already been tested. The people of Iran expect the world to predicate their relations with the mullahs on end to torture and executions. They also demand the expulsion of the regime from the region, dismantling of its missile program, a total ban on all uranium enrichment and accepting unconditional inspections of its suspected sites. The regime’s access to the international banking system must also be cut off.”
Other speakers included former Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), former Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James Conway, and former State Department’s Director of Policy Planning, Ambassador Mitchel Reiss.
Senator Liberman said “there’s a lot of reason to hope. And one of them is the MEK, the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran. Which I think played a role in the protests. And this distinguishes what I hope will grow into a Persian Spring… Congress can lead the way in doing that by building a relationship with the organized opposition led by the MEK.”
General Conway outlined the criteria for a successful movement including the importance of the leadership and willing to “sacrifice” when needed. He called those who participated in the Iranian uprising “patriots” and added the uprising of the Iranian people needs “international encouragement.”
Ambassador Reiss spoke about “bipartisan support from the United States Senate for the Iranian people, and their cause for freedom and human dignity.” He added, “We’ve heard from Madame Rajavi, a leader in waiting who has drafted a declaration of human rights that mirrors our own bill of rights. All of us have taken a look at it.”
Dr. Cyrus Samet, Advisory Board Member of the Organization of Iranian American Communities-US (OIAC), expressed his best wishes for the new Iranian year thanked all the staffers and offices for their continued support and engagement with the Iranian-American communities.